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"The school supports the achievement of its most-able pupils very well."

- 'Good' Ofsted Report 2023 - Moorside Primary School and Nursery

Inclusion (SEND)

Our exciting news to share, is that following a full day of assessment on Thursday 12th November 2020, we were accredited with the National Inclusion Quality Mark award. Inclusion promotes equal opportunities for all pupils, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, attainment and background. Please click here to see our full feedback report.

On Friday 24th November 2021, we were re-assessed and we are really pleased to have kept our IQM Centre of Excellence accreditation. Our new report can be found here.

Yet again, we have kept our IQM Centre of Excellence Status when we were reassessed on Friday 24th February 2023. Well done Team Moorside! Our new report can be found here.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) can affect a child or young person’s ability to learn. It can affect their:

  • behaviour or ability to socialise, for example they struggle to make friends
  • reading and writing, for example because they have dyslexia
  • ability to understand things
  • concentration levels, for example because they have ADHD
  • physical ability

At Moorside Primary School and Nursery, we provide an inclusive education for all pupils with a wide range of needs by ensuring that learning is appropriate, fun and sufficiently scaffolded for them to succeed. In October 2018 Ofsted reported that: Support for pupils who have a high level of need is effective because additional adults structure their learning well’, when they visited Moorside Infant School. At Moorside Primary School and Nursery, we see the uniqueness of every child and strive to deliver a curriculum to develop their specific needs. Our intent is for every child to develop the skills and knowledge they need to achieve their full potential as independent learners.

As specified in the Code of Practise 2015 we follow the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ cycle for children who are not making the progress we would expect.

Through careful observations, detailed assessment and an analysis of progress, staff will identify when a child requires additional support and plan to deliver additional or different provision that will support them to close the gaps in their learning and skills.

Our Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinators (SENCo’s) are: Miss M Ryder (Reception & Key Stage 1) and Mrs J Hunton (Key Stage 2). They can both be contacted via the school office.

We produce an annual report on our work with children with special educational needs or disabilities, alongside our SEND Policy. Please click on the links below to view these:

SEND Policy 2025-2026

SEN Information Report: January 2025

Our SEND Provision Maps:

Sensory & Physical

Social, Emotional & Mental Health Difficulties


Cognition & Learning

Communication & Interaction

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

The Children and Families Bill requires North Yorkshire to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for children and young people with special educational needs aged 0-25. Please click the link below for North Yorkshire’s Local Offer:

North Yorkshire Local Offer

Reviews from the Children and Parents

School Visitor

Lauren's Assembly in April 2022 "Thank you for such a warm welcome, for the children's excellent behaviour and such thoughtful questions".

Y6 Parent

Reading at Moorside "I think the teachers are doing a fantastic job with reading. I believe the access children have to other forms e.g. Reading Plus etc means they are less likely to be bored and then choose to read a book as entertainment".

Mason, Year 3

Reading at Moorside "I love hearing stories from my teacher and choosing books out of the library".

Reception Parent

Reading at Moorside "I appreciate all the effort that goes into current Reading initiatives, the library visit was fantastic!"  

Y6 Parent

Marrick Residential Trip 2022 "Massive thank you to Team Moorside for all the hard work and effort which goes into trips such as these".

Marrick Residential Trip 2022 "Amazing photos, great memories.... As always you and the team have gone above and beyond. It's nice to be relaxed knowing they are so well looked after..... Thank you".

Y6 Parent

Marrick Residential Trip 2022 "Some fantastic memories made for our children, can't wait to hear all about their week away".

Gracie, Year 6

"My favourite thing about school is the teachers because they are so kind and helpful".  

Andrew, Year 6

"I enjoy when we have Forest School because we have the best hot chocolate and marshmallows and find animals".

Emily, Year 6

"I enjoy doing art with Mr Moss and Forest School. The most enjoyable thing is going on residential trips like Marrick".

Greatham Primary School logo

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