Vision, Mission & Values

Our aspirational vision for every child at Moorside:-
A secure foundation of:
- A culture of success and achievement for all;
- An aspirational and inspirational curriculum;
- Strong relationships between the school, families, pupils and our community;
- A whole school inclusive and nurturing ethos;
- High expectations for all stakeholders, surrounding our children with the best educators and specialists.
Our school nurtures and grows curiosity and creativity through an inspiring, rich and engaging curriculum, where our community is at the heart of all that we do. Our children learn to become resilient and self-assured learners in an environment which is safe. Everyone is challenged and encouraged to thrive and achieve as individuals, preparing them for their role as caring and active citizens.
Our Ethos and Values
Moorside PRIDE:
Presentation and PRIDE in all we do.
Respect, for others and our world.
Independence, to succeed ourselves.
Determination, to achieve.
Enthusiasm, and a love of learning.