School Uniform
Our School Uniform Policy can be viewed here.
Our school uniform is available from the following suppliers (we would prefer children to wear school sweatshirts or cardigans embroidered with our school logo, but items without this may be available at local supermarkets):
Ripon Uniform Shop, 64 Blossomgate, Ripon, HG4 2AN. Telephone Number: 01765 692233
Or online at School Shop:
Our School Uniform consists of:
Winter: | Summer: |
School Sweatshirt/Cardigan (logo preferred) | School Sweatshirt/Cardigan |
Grey Trousers, Skirt or Pinafore Dress | Grey Trousers or Grey Shorts |
White Polo Shirt or Blouse | Blue/White Checked Dress |
Appropriate School Shoes (no trainers please) | White Polo Shirt or Blouse |
Appropriate School Shoes (no trainers, open toe sandals or flipflops) |
PE Kit: | Forest School Kit: |
Moorside PE Hoodie (initial one will be provided by School) | Old clothes- tracksuit bottoms and thick jumper such as a fleece |
Navy or Black Shorts | Waterproof all in one suit or waterproof trousers and a waterproof coat |
White Tee Shirt | Extra pair of socks |
Black Plimsolls or Trainers | Wellies |
In cold weather: Tracksuit Bottoms/jogging bottoms/leggings | In cold weather: Hat, gloves, snood A warm base layer under clothing or an extra layer of clothing – leggings and long sleeve top (or football skins or thermal base layers) |
Earrings cannot be worn for PE activities. They must be removed at home if children cannot remove them themselves. Earrings cannot be taped over.
You will be informed each term which days your child will have PE and if your child’s class will have Forest School. On these days, children must come to school in their PE or Forest School kit.
If you need to replace your Moorside PE Hoodie, they are available to buy from Ripon Uniform Shop (contact details above).
It is important that all items of Uniform, PE and Forest School kit are clearly named!