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"Pupils have excellent attitudes to learning, work well together and are motivated to succeed."

- 'Good' Ofsted Report 2023 - Moorside Primary School and Nursery

Parent Support Advisor

Hello! My name is Sally Price and I am here to help…

I am the Parent Support Advisor and Child Well-being Mentor.

What does a Parent Support Advisor/ Child Well-being Mentor do?

As a Child Well-being Mentor and Parent Support Advisor, I am able to offer support to children, parents and carers. The level of support offered is tailored to suit the individual needs and concerns that either the child, family or school may be experiencing. As a school we recognise that parental engagement is pivotal to ensuring children are happy, nurtured and feel well supported to engage in their learning journey at Moorside and beyond.

My role is to:

  • Promote parental engagement and to ensure that the parent and child voice is heard;
  • Provide the children with an opportunity to share any concerns or worries they may have;
  • Communicate with parents to promote positive home/school relations and support with attendance;
  • Share successful strategies used in school to home and vice versa, establishing contact and connection with external agencies who can support you;
  • Offer support and attend meetings with parents as appropriate;
  • I am responsible for attendance and behaviour. If and when there are attendance concerns, I offer support and work together with families to bring around a positive change;
  • I am part of the Safeguarding team and School Inclusion team, working together with all staff in school, to ensure your child has the best educational support and experience possible;
  • Ensure that our school community is supporting the wider community in Ripon.

I am out on the playground in the morning and end of day, so please come and say Hello!

I look forward to meeting with you


Reviews from the Children and Parents

School Visitor

Lauren's Assembly in April 2022 "Thank you for such a warm welcome, for the children's excellent behaviour and such thoughtful questions".

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