Inclusion Team
At Moorside Primary School and Nursery, we know the power of teamwork! As we strive to ensure that SEND provision in school is exemplary, we have a dedicated, nurturing and passionate team of staff who lead and support all areas of need in school.
Our Inclusion Team:
SENCo – Miss Ryder (Reception & KS1), Mrs Hunton (KS2)
IQM Leader – Mrs Hunton
Parental Support Advisor – Mrs Price
The Inclusion Team meet weekly, to discuss the support and provision being delivered in school.
If a class teacher feels that a child requires support, the Inclusion Team will review provision already in place and the impact that it has had. Where the team feel that further school support could be put in place, they will advise and support the class teacher. If all support and interventions available in school have been put in place, then a referral will be made – with the agreement of the parents – for specialist support.
The Inclusion Team are always available to support children, colleagues and parents; not only with learning needs but also their emotional well-being. All members of the Inclusion Team can be contacted via the school office.
![]() | We are very proud to have received the Inclusion Quality Mark Flagship Status! |