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"Pupils have excellent attitudes to learning, work well together and are motivated to succeed."

- 'Good' Ofsted Report 2023 - Moorside Primary School and Nursery

Equality and Diversity

At Moorside, we ensure that individuals are treated fairly and equally, no matter their race, gender, age, disability, religion or sexual orientation. Diversity is about recognising and respecting these differences to create an all-inclusive atmosphere.

We create a school ethos and environment where staff and pupils can thrive together and understand that individual characteristics make people unique and not ‘different’ in a negative way.

Our Equality Objectives are:

1. To promote diversity within the curriculum and resources with specific reference to SEND, race, religion, different family models and gender and reduce any homophobia, sexism and racism by children in school.

2. To promote and practise growth mindset and resilience. There will be no public labelling of children by attainment.

3. To promote cultural understanding and awareness of different religious beliefs between different ethnic groups within our school community.

4. To analyse recruitment data and trends with regard to race, gender and disability and report on this to the governing body.

We promote equality and diversity by:

  • Setting clear rules in regards to how people should be treated through out Positive Behaviour policy, Anti Bullying policy and Code of Conduct.
  • Challenging any negative attitudes, by consistently following the North Yorkshire Guidelines on reporting prejudice-based incidents.
  • Treating all staff and pupils fairly and equally.
  • Creating an all-inclusive culture for pupils and staff to make valued contributions.
  • Avoiding stereotypes in examples and resources.
  • Using resources with multicultural themes.
  • Actively promoting multiculturalism in lessons and through theme days and weeks, which include teaching children about British Values.
  • Planning lessons that reflect the diversity of the classroom.
  • Ensuring all pupils have equal access to opportunities and participation through carefully planned spending of Pupil Premium funding.
  • Making sure that learning materials do not discriminate against anyone and are adapted where necessary.
  • Using a variety of teaching methods.
  • Using a variety of assessment methods.
  • Ensuring policies and procedures do not discriminate against anyone.

Please click here for our Equality Policy 2023 – 2025.

Clicking here will take you to the Equality Act 2010.

Reviews from the Children and Parents

School Visitor

Lauren's Assembly in April 2022 "Thank you for such a warm welcome, for the children's excellent behaviour and such thoughtful questions".

Y6 Parent

Reading at Moorside "I think the teachers are doing a fantastic job with reading. I believe the access children have to other forms e.g. Reading Plus etc means they are less likely to be bored and then choose to read a book as entertainment".

Mason, Year 3

Reading at Moorside "I love hearing stories from my teacher and choosing books out of the library".

Reception Parent

Reading at Moorside "I appreciate all the effort that goes into current Reading initiatives, the library visit was fantastic!"  

Y6 Parent

Marrick Residential Trip 2022 "Massive thank you to Team Moorside for all the hard work and effort which goes into trips such as these".

Marrick Residential Trip 2022 "Amazing photos, great memories.... As always you and the team have gone above and beyond. It's nice to be relaxed knowing they are so well looked after..... Thank you".

Y6 Parent

Marrick Residential Trip 2022 "Some fantastic memories made for our children, can't wait to hear all about their week away".

Gracie, Year 6

"My favourite thing about school is the teachers because they are so kind and helpful".  

Andrew, Year 6

"I enjoy when we have Forest School because we have the best hot chocolate and marshmallows and find animals".

Emily, Year 6

"I enjoy doing art with Mr Moss and Forest School. The most enjoyable thing is going on residential trips like Marrick".

Greatham Primary School logo

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