Developing and Maintaining Good Mental Health
The most important factor of helping all children to develop positive mental health, is relationships.
At Moorside we have a caring and supportive culture, where we work as a team with parents, children and other agencies.
We have our own Parent Support Advisor and Well-Being mentor who works with families and children in need of additional support.
Sally Price –
Tel: 01765604208
Social, Emotional and Mental Health is an essential aspect of our work in school. We use the Boxall profile to assess all our children 3 times per year, which helps us to identify children who need some additional support or intervention with their emotional well being and resilience.
Primarily, through our curriculum, we are able to raise issues that may be affecting children and provide opportunities for them to speak up or listen to the ideas of others.
Each term children are taught Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship, based on the school’s PSHE curriculum. You can view the curriculum used in school here.