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"As a result of good teaching, pupils learn quickly and can apply their skills across all subjects."

- 'Good' Ofsted Report 2023 - Moorside Primary School and Nursery


The new National Curriculum 2014, is very clear about the levels of achievement for all subjects by the end of Key Stage One and Two.  Children are assessed using statutory materials in the Summer term of Year 2 and 6.  This information is reported to the Local Authority and Department for Education.  Parents are informed of their child’s outcomes and the Key Stage 2 performance tables are shared on this website.

Assessment is a fundamental element of our work in school.  It informs teachers about what children can do well and what they still need to achieve.  The most important assessment takes place in lessons, when teachers use a range of strategies to check the progress and learning.  This information is used by teachers to provide extra teaching for groups or individuals, or to challenge the children’s understanding through tasks requiring application of their skills and knowledge.

Towards the end of each term, the children will be given a test for reading, maths, spelling and grammar.  Teachers use this information and their ongoing assessment of work in books, to make a teacher assessment.  The school uses Target Tracker to record achievements.

For children with specific significant diagnosed SEND, teachers will retain the ability to dis-apply inappropriate criteria and use PIVATs or previous year group assessment grids on Target Tracker.

Reviews from the Children and Parents

School Visitor

Lauren's Assembly in April 2022 "Thank you for such a warm welcome, for the children's excellent behaviour and such thoughtful questions".

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