Key Worker Bookings
The Prime Minister has announced that a new national lockdown will come into force on Wednesday 6 January and that Primary Schools will close from Tuesday 5th January 2021. This is with the exception of Nursery children, children of critical workers and children classed as vulnerable.
This decision does not suggest that schools are no longer safe places for young people. Instead, limiting attendance is about reducing the number of contacts that all of us have with people in other households. When making a critical worker booking, please consider whether:
1) There is anybody else in your household, who could care for your child;
2) Which specific days your child needs to be in school, dependent on your shift pattern/working hours (if you are not at work every day Monday – Friday, then they do not need to be in school every day).
To help us collate a weekly list of children who will be in school so we can manage appropriate staffing, we ask that you complete this form if you feel that you fall into a ‘critical worker’ category and you require your child to attend school.
The cut-off time for bookings will be 4.30pm on a Wednesday prior to the following week. This is to ensure we can have appropriate staffing in place. If we do not receive a booking form from you, your child will not have a place allocated.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact the school office.